What Parts Do You Need for Common Tractor Problems?

Whether you own a Kubota, Caterpillar, or John Deere tractor, one thing is sure—it will break down at some point. Tractors and farm machinery are constantly running, operating from sunrise to sunset for many months. The longer a tractor runs, the faster it will need repairs. Every farmer and producer needs to know the most common tractor problems and how to address them so their farms and businesses can efficiently operate.

Most Common Broken Tractor Parts

There are hundreds of different parts working together to power a tractor. Your tractor can stop functioning altogether from a single broken part. But how are you supposed to know which part is the problem? You can turn to your owner’s manual or the internet for answers, but most problems stem from a handful of central issues. Here are three parts you might need to fix your common tractor problems.


Most cars, tractors, and machines that contain fluids use filters. They catch debris, buildup, and prevent old fluids from re-entering a system or mechanism, allowing a machine to continue working efficiently without slowing down.

Fuel Filter

There are a couple of different fuel filters, but they all do the same thing. Old gas, dirt, and debris can seep through a worn-down filter, damaging a tractor’s engine. Fixing a damaged engine is costly—regularly swapping out fuel filters can prevent future damage and engine failure.

Hydraulic Filter

The second type of filter is the hydraulic filter. These filters work with the compressed liquids (mainly mineral oil) used to brake, steer, and utilize additional tractor add-ons. Hydraulic filters are prone to damage, leaving your hydraulics systems offline until they are replaced. 


Tractor belts drive many internal functions, including fans, water pumps, and generators. If a belt is too tight, it can snap. If a belt is too loose, it can slip off. Belts are inexpensive and quick replacements, but sometimes it can be challenging to find the correct belt length, strength, and material locally. Having spare belts or a reliable online manufacturer is helpful so you don’t need to wait, decreasing downtime. 


Electricity flows through your tractor through many wires, powering every part that requires amperage to function. If too much electricity flows to an electrical component with a lower intake, a fuse will blow to avoid further damage to the other internal wiring. Luckily, blown fuses are easy to replace and install. However, your tractor isn’t going anywhere if you don’t have any backup fuses.

How much money are you spending on new tractor parts? We guess it’s too much. Rangeline Group offers a vast selection of agricultural machinery parts for all your common tractor problems and tillage needs. Whether you own a top-of-the-line brand, a vintage tractor, or one salvaged from an abandoned farm, Rangeline Group can keep it running smoothly. We know our customers are hard-working and appreciate efficiency and lower costs. So do we. Contact Rangeline Group today.

Why You Should Keep Spare Parts for Tractor Repair

A tractor is one of the essential farming tools. It allows for the tillage, seeding, and harvesting of hundreds to thousands of acres.

Regardless of the area or geography, farmers are on a tight schedule to meet deadlines. Producers can’t afford machinery to break down regularly. Getting parts to repair your farm machinery can be challenging if there are agriculture part shortages or you’re in the middle of the producing season. The bottom line, broken farm equipment costs valuable time and creates downtime for everyone involved.

Ordering extra parts solves common tractor problems when they occur and makes repairing equipment easier.

Rangeline Group Solves Common Tractor Problems

At Rangeline Group, we like to say, “If we can’t earn your business, we don’t deserve it.” We’d love to earn it. We offer competitive prices, excellent customer service, and hundreds of agriculture and tillage products ready to ship to your farm or business. Our efficient, cost-effective focus has made our products the leading choice of producers and farmers throughout North America.

Even though the farming industry is constantly changing, our morals and dedication to our customers have not. Let Rangeline Group show you why we have hundreds of satisfied producers praising our products and services.